Sunday, 11 May 2014


Today's movie, Bad Neighbours, brought back so much crazy memories, not exactly in a good way. But I wouldn't call it bad either. How do I put this? It's the sort of thing where I was glad it happened, but if given a choice, I wouldn't do it again. Abit of an oxymoron, I don't know.

I was reminded of the crazy drinking parties I had back when I was still together with A. The usual weekends at D's place, with the rest of the secondary school boys and their +1s, which btw, not many of them has +1s. Hahaha. Puking into buckets, doing dares like drinking breast milk (freaking hilarious), walking out of the estate to get a cab back home (which was a hazard because I often found myself sitting by the roadside, refusing to move and just repeatedly shouting, "I AM FUCKING TIRED! SOMEBODY CARRY ME!" and I even got a few cuts and bruises), having complaints from neighbours, watching trippy videos. Those were the days.

I was glad those days happened, because now I can say, "Hey, I went through that phase". I know how it feels like to be dead drunk, worst feeling in the world ever, but I also know how it feels like to have the best of friends doing crazy shit with me. That said, I lost all of these friends when I ended the relationship with A. But as they always say, not everyone you lose is a loss. They chose A over me and I don't blame them because I got to know them through A. I preferred keeping to myself back in secondary school.

I can't quite decide if I want to forget or keep these memories. What I do know is, they are a part of me.

Till next time, A

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